What Our Visitors Say!
What Our Visitors Say!
“Amazing place”
Richard Branson
Virgin boss and business tycoon
“the most fascinating museum I have ever seen“
Henry Winkler
Aby Rosen
luxury hotelier and real estate mogul
“Amazing place”

Richard Branson
Virgin boss and business tycoon
“The most amazing place I have ever seen!”

Henry Winkler

Aby Rosen
luxury hotelier and real estate mogul
"Fabulous - so pleased the museum is becoming a tourist destination like the Louvre and the British Museum x"

Stephen Fry
WOW! What an incredible museum!

Henry Winkler
“Fun place to visit”

local guide
חיים אתגר:
Хаим Этгар:
המוזיאון של אורי גלר"
אין דבר כזה בעולם
אין דבר כזה בישראל
אם אתם יכולים לבוא לפה
-(..ולא כל אחד יכול לבוא לפה) -
!תרוצו לכאן
" דבר נדיר! יפוצץ לכם את המוח
אין דבר כזה בעולם
אין דבר כזה בישראל
אם אתם יכולים לבוא לפה
-(..ולא כל אחד יכול לבוא לפה) -
!תרוצו לכאן
" דבר נדיר! יפוצץ לכם את המוח
"Uri GELLER museum
there is no such thing anywhere in the world! No such place in Israel! If you can go there run there it will blow your mind! "
there is no such thing anywhere in the world! No such place in Israel! If you can go there run there it will blow your mind! "
"Музей Ури Геллера
Нет другого такого музея в мире.
Нет другого такого музея в Израиле.
Если вы можете его посетить (не каждый может в него попасть...) то бегите туда!
Редчайшее место. Просто взрыв мозга."
Нет другого такого музея в мире.
Нет другого такого музея в Израиле.
Если вы можете его посетить (не каждый может в него попасть...) то бегите туда!
Редчайшее место. Просто взрыв мозга."
"Beeindruckende Stories von Uri selbst erzählt "
“Impressive stories told by Uri himself”
“Impressive stories told by Uri himself”

Ba Ne
local guide
“What Uri has created here in Old Jaffa next to my museum is truly magnificent and unforgettable tour”

Ilana Goor
Internationally acclaimed sculptor
היהיפהוחלקהיופעוריפהלדברים ,וואהו" ,וגםההסברהשלאוריגלר"
“Wow, it was beautiful and some [of the group] were speechless…”
“Wow, it was beautiful and some [of the group] were speechless…”

Dalia Chikotay
"Fabulous - so pleased the museum is becoming a tourist destination like the Louvre and the British Museum x"
Stephen Fry
“What Uri has created here in Old Jaffa next to my museum is truly magnificent and unforgettable tour”
Ilana Goor
Internationally acclaimed sculptor
היה יפה וחלק היו פעורי פה לדברים ,וואו" ,וגם ההסברה של אורי גלר"
“Wow, it was beautiful and some [of the group] were speechless…”
“Wow, it was beautiful and some [of the group] were speechless…”
Dalia Chikotay
“I have been in most museums around the world but never seen such an eclectic collection of stunning exhibits”

Ilona Abramson
ממליץ בחום על סיור עם אורי," ההיסטוריה שלו שסורה בהיסטוריה של כולנו. שעה וחצי עברה כהרף עין"
“I highly recommend a tour with Uri, his history is interwoven into our history. An hour and a half passed in the blink of an eye.”
“I highly recommend a tour with Uri, his history is interwoven into our history. An hour and a half passed in the blink of an eye.”

Ofer Ben-Artzy
Local Guide
"מקום מקסים וקסום. כל פריט זה סיפור מעניין. הגשמתי חלום ליהיות שם ולהכיר מקרוב את אורי, איש מקסים עם לב זהב
“A stunning and magical place. Each item is a fascinating story. I fulfilled a dream to be there and get to know Uri up close, a charming person with a heart of gold.”
“A stunning and magical place. Each item is a fascinating story. I fulfilled a dream to be there and get to know Uri up close, a charming person with a heart of gold.”

Gustavo the Magician
“I have been in most museums around the world but never seen such an eclectic collection of stunning exhibits”

Ilona Abramson
ממליץבחוםעלסיורעםאורי ," ההיסטויהשלושסורהבהיסטוריהשלכולנו. שעהוחציעברהכהרףעין"
“I highly recommend a tour with Uri, his history is interwoven into our history. An hour and a half passed in the blink of an eye.”
“I highly recommend a tour with Uri, his history is interwoven into our history. An hour and a half passed in the blink of an eye.”

Ofer Ben-Artzy
local guide
“A stunning and magical place. Each item is a fascinating story. I fulfilled a dream to be there and get to know Uri up close, a charming person with a heart of gold.”
“A stunning and magical place. Each item is a fascinating story. I fulfilled a dream to be there and get to know Uri up close, a charming person with a heart of gold.”

Gustavo the Magician
“We had an amazing time and a mind bending experience at Uri Geller’s Museum. We were lucky enough to be guided by Uri Geller, the legend himself, sharing amazing stories related to very unique and intriguing artifacts interwoven into his astounding life journey. From an astronaut’s suit that actually been to the moon and Leonardo Davinci’s Cristal ball, to John Lennon’s glasses. The space itself is brilliantly designed and is one of the most unique ancient spaces in Old Jaffa. You can spend there literally hours and still not see enough. It was a tour to remember! I definitely recommend it!”

Shmueli Ahdut
סיורמלהיבומעוררהשראה." כלמיצגוסיפוריותרמרתקומדהיםמקודמו. ועםכלההצלחההבנלאומיתהמטורפתשלו, אוריגלראדםחם, אוהבאדם, נעיםוחביבכלכך. נהננומאודמאוד”
“An exciting and inspiring tour. Each presentation and story is more fascinating and amazing than the one before. And despite all his outrageous international success, Uri Geller is such a warm, loving, pleasant and kind person. We had a really great time.”
“An exciting and inspiring tour. Each presentation and story is more fascinating and amazing than the one before. And despite all his outrageous international success, Uri Geller is such a warm, loving, pleasant and kind person. We had a really great time.”

Rina Nagel
local guide
“Невероятная экскурсия. Прикоснуться к жизни, друзьям и экспозиции Ури Геллера это незабываемые впечатления. Крайнерекомендуювсем!!!”
“Incredible excursion. To touch the life, friends and exhibition of Uri Geller is an unforgettable experience. Highly recommend to everyone!!!”
“Incredible excursion. To touch the life, friends and exhibition of Uri Geller is an unforgettable experience. Highly recommend to everyone!!!”

Boris Elman
local guide
“We had an amazing time and a mind bending experience at Uri Geller’s Museum. We were lucky enough to be guided by Uri Geller, the legend himself, sharing amazing stories related to very unique and intriguing artifacts interwoven into his astounding life journey. From an astronaut’s suit that actually been to the moon and Leonardo Davinci’s Cristal ball, to John Lennon’s glasses. The space itself is brilliantly designed and is one of the most unique ancient spaces in Old Jaffa. You can spend there literally hours and still not see enough. It was a tour to remember! I definitely recommend it!”

Shmueli Ahdut
סיור מלהיב ומעורר השראה." כל מיצג וסיפור יותר מרתק ומדהים מקודמו. ועם כל ההצלחה הבנלאומית המטורפת שלו, אורי גלר אדם חם, אוהב אדם, נעים וחביב כל כך. נהננו מאוד מאוד”
“An exciting and inspiring tour. Each presentation and story is more fascinating and amazing than the one before. And despite all his outrageous international success, Uri Geller is such a warm, loving, pleasant and kind person. We had a really great time.”
“An exciting and inspiring tour. Each presentation and story is more fascinating and amazing than the one before. And despite all his outrageous international success, Uri Geller is such a warm, loving, pleasant and kind person. We had a really great time.”

Rina Nagel
Local Guide
“Невероятная экскурсия. Прикоснуться к жизни, друзьям и экспозиции Ури Геллера это незабываемые впечатления. Крайнерекомендуювсем!!!”
“Incredible excursion. To touch the life, friends and exhibition of Uri Geller is an unforgettable experience. Highly recommend to everyone!!!”
“Incredible excursion. To touch the life, friends and exhibition of Uri Geller is an unforgettable experience. Highly recommend to everyone!!!”

Boris Elman
Local Guide
“An amazing assortment of items from the rich and famous”
AvigailKlein Leichman
"מוזיאון מדהים. אוסף נדיר של פריטים מעניינים."הכי חשוב לשמוע את הסיפורים האישיים מאחורי החפצים ממקור ראשון. אורי גלר איש מרתק."
“Amazing museum. A rare collection of interesting items. The most important thing is to hear the personal stories behind the objects firsthand. Uri Geller is a fascinating man.”
“Amazing museum. A rare collection of interesting items. The most important thing is to hear the personal stories behind the objects firsthand. Uri Geller is a fascinating man.”
Eitan Rosental
Local Guide
“I am visiting in my heart, wish I could go in person, I have loved Uri since I was a kid! So many unbent spoons through the decades but I keep trying... sending love!!!”
Lara Herzog
“I read the article on your museum in the Guardian whilst sitting here in Wales (UK) and was completely mesmerized by it and your enthusiasm for it. Who better to guide you on a tour than than the man himself, Mr Uri Gellar!!
This is now on my 'to do list'
I look forward to being there some day.
What a great initiative Uri🏆”

“Items collected by Uri Geller during his lifetime all over the world. Purchased or received as a gift from a Libyan ruler to an astronaut. The place is a very impressive ancient structure. Outside is a huge statue of a bent spoon. Inside the collections Shrivel and Procurement. Photos, his first car and scooter, the Cadillac vehicle with thousands of teaspoons he received / bent.”

Itzik levy (Izikl)
Local Guide
“Unfortunately we didn't have opportunity to see this museum inside. It was closed when we visited old Jaffa. There is this spoon sculpture outside and its description next to it. Museum located next to the Ilana Goor museum. The whole area is full of outdoor art exhibition with historical boards in certain places. All very close to the Port.”

Kamila Świerska
Local Guide
“Quite interesting”
Ariel Caner
Local Guide
“Not yet open but with the biggest tea spoon out doors and a great way to enter the old city of Jaffa, put this point on your Google map”
Nira Poran
Local Guide
“Amazing experience ! Uri Geller himself tells his stories and where his collections came from! It was so interesting - definitely go!”
Moriel Adimor
ממליץ לבקר לכולם. רק תדעו שהביקור הוא לקבוצות בלבד בהזמנה מראש. דרך אגב ליד המוזיאון גרים כמה חתולים יפים. חבל שהם לא נותנים ללטף את עצמם."
“Just know that the visit is for groups only by reservation. By the way, some beautiful cats live near the museum. Too bad they don't let themselves be pampered. ”
“Just know that the visit is for groups only by reservation. By the way, some beautiful cats live near the museum. Too bad they don't let themselves be pampered. ”
Konstantin-David Khayat
Local Guide
אורי גלר מעביר הדרכה והסברים מתחילת דרכו ועד רכישת המקום בוא הקים מוזיאון על מפעל חייו,
שווה ביקור❤❤."
“Uri Geller provides guidance and explanations from the beginning of his career to the purchase of the place, let's build a museum about his life's work, Worth a visit❤❤ ”
“Uri Geller provides guidance and explanations from the beginning of his career to the purchase of the place, let's build a museum about his life's work, Worth a visit❤❤ ”
מתנה יעיש
סיור מלהיב ומעורר השראה. כל מיצג וסיפור יותר מרתק ומדהים מקודמו. ועם כל ההצלחה הבנלאומית המטורפת שלו, אורי גלר אדם חם, אוהב אדם, נעים וחביב כל כך. נהננו מאוד מאוד
“An exciting and inspiring tour. Each performance and story is more fascinating and amazing than the previous one. And with all his crazy international success, Uri Geller is such a warm, person-loving, pleasant and kind person. We had a great time. ”
“An exciting and inspiring tour. Each performance and story is more fascinating and amazing than the previous one. And with all his crazy international success, Uri Geller is such a warm, person-loving, pleasant and kind person. We had a great time. ”
Rina Nagel
Local Guide
אורי גלר האיש והאגדה מספר על מהלך חייו עם מוצגים המיוחדים שקיים במוזיאון, מאוד מעניין, מסקרן ומדהים, מומלץ מאוד לבקר (כמובן בתיאום מראש) חוויה מדהימה."
“Uri Geller the man and the legend tells about the course of his life with the special exhibits that exist in the museum, very interesting, intriguing and amazing, it is highly recommended to visit (of course with prior arrangement) an amazing experience. ”
“Uri Geller the man and the legend tells about the course of his life with the special exhibits that exist in the museum, very interesting, intriguing and amazing, it is highly recommended to visit (of course with prior arrangement) an amazing experience. ”
מיכאל יעקב
Local Guide
מוזיאון אורי גלר מאד מיוחד ומספר בחפצים ובסיפוריו האישיים של גלר את קורות חייו.
לאחרונה הצטרפה למוזיאון דוכיפת מברונזה מעשה ידיו של האמן משה כץ מגבעת ישעיהו.
הדוכיפת ממתגת את 'סיירת דוכיפת' במוזיאון.
שווה ומומלץ לבקר."
“The Uri Geller Museum is very special and tells the story of Geller's life through the objects and personal stories of Geller. Recently, the museum was joined by a bronze dokipat made by the artist Moshe Katz from Givat Yeshayahu. Dokifat brands the 'Dokifat Cruiser' in the museum. Worth and recommended to visit. ”
“The Uri Geller Museum is very special and tells the story of Geller's life through the objects and personal stories of Geller. Recently, the museum was joined by a bronze dokipat made by the artist Moshe Katz from Givat Yeshayahu. Dokifat brands the 'Dokifat Cruiser' in the museum. Worth and recommended to visit. ”
I Sz
אורי גלר הוא אדם מדהים! כל כך צנוע ונחמד, חוויה אמיתית. הגענו ליפו ונתקלנו בו, שמענו את סיפורו ופשוט התאהבנו אדם משכמו ומעלה, מסתבר שגם תורם את כל כספי הכנסות המוזיאון למעוטי יכולת. One of a kind"
“Uri Geller is an amazing person! So humble and nice, a real experience. We arrived in Jaffa and ran into him, heard his story and simply fell in love with a man of his kind and above, it turns out that he also donates all of the museum's income to the underprivileged. One of a kind. ”
“Uri Geller is an amazing person! So humble and nice, a real experience. We arrived in Jaffa and ran into him, heard his story and simply fell in love with a man of his kind and above, it turns out that he also donates all of the museum's income to the underprivileged. One of a kind. ”
לי ל
Local Guide
"Невероятная экскурсия. Прикоснуться к жизни, друзьям и экспозиции Ури Геллера это незабываемые впечатления. Крайне рекомендую всем!!!"
“Incredible excursion. Touching the life, friends and exposure of Uri Geller is an unforgettable experience. Highly recommend to everyone!!! ”
“Incredible excursion. Touching the life, friends and exposure of Uri Geller is an unforgettable experience. Highly recommend to everyone!!! ”
Boris Elman
Local Guide
Сегодня с нами произошло НЕВЕРОЯТНОЕ событие. Прогуливаясь по старому городу Яффо, что близ Тель-Авива, нас позвал человек, которого я из далека сразу даже не узнал. Он спросил откуда мы и попросив минутку подождать, скрылся в своем музее. Когда он вернулся в руках у него была ложка, которую он согнул, держа лишь двумя пальцами, в 30 см от меня. Это было реально круто. После он расписался на этой ложке и подарил мне. Я помню его выступления с самого детства, он родоначальник направления и первый менталист в мире. Сегодня нам посчастливилось с ним встретиться, причем это он выбрал нас, а не мы его! Спасибо, Ури Геллер!! @theurigeller
"Today an INCREDIBLE event happened to us. Walking through the old city of Jaffa, near Tel Aviv, we were called by a man whom I did not even recognize from afar. He asked where we were from and asked to wait a minute, disappeared into his museum. When he returned in his hands he had a spoon, which he bent, holding only two fingers, 30 cm from me. It was really cool. He then signed this spoon and gave it to me. I remember his performances from childhood, he was the founder of the direction and the first mentalist in the world. Today we were lucky to meet him, and it was he who chose us, not we him! Thank you Uri Geller!! @theurigeller ”
"Today an INCREDIBLE event happened to us. Walking through the old city of Jaffa, near Tel Aviv, we were called by a man whom I did not even recognize from afar. He asked where we were from and asked to wait a minute, disappeared into his museum. When he returned in his hands he had a spoon, which he bent, holding only two fingers, 30 cm from me. It was really cool. He then signed this spoon and gave it to me. I remember his performances from childhood, he was the founder of the direction and the first mentalist in the world. Today we were lucky to meet him, and it was he who chose us, not we him! Thank you Uri Geller!! @theurigeller ”
Андрей Матюнин
Local Guide
“The most amazing place I have ever seen!”

Henry Winkler
"Beeindruckende Stories von Uri selbst erzählt "
“Impressive stories told by Uri himself”
“Impressive stories told by Uri himself”

Ba Ne
Local Guide
“Fun place to visit”

Shulamis Moscovitch
Local Guide
Mazal Arieh 7, Tel Aviv-Yafo
E-mail: [email protected]
Mob: 052-841-6662
(international +972-52-841-6662)
Landline: 03-728-1111
(international +972-3-728-1111)
Mazal Arieh 7, Tel Aviv-Yafo
E-mail: [email protected]
Mob: 052-841-6662
(international +972-52-841-6662)
Landline: 03-728-1111
(international +972-3-728-1111)

© 2024 Urigeller Museum
All rights reserved.
Website by : www.xispl.com
Image credit where applicable : Coby Berg, Sasha Gusov